Tue, 15 December 2015
Note: This is the full episode of Kent's conversation with Shaun: "Shaun Tai is the Founder and Executive director of Oakland Digital, a non-profit that connects design students to local businesses. Shaun comes to Oakland Digital by way of hip hop, and the film industry. Not everyone in Silicon Valley works in a tech company. Kent and Shaun discuss a wide range of topics, including how to connect lower income people to the tech industry, why Oakland hasn't overtaken San Francisco as the most desirable place to live...yet. And a lot more. This is the first of a 2 part conversation Find Shaun and Oakland Digital on Twitter at: @odalc @shaun_tai @OaklandDigital
-- In the Something Ventured podcast, Silicon Valley insider Kent Lindstrom explores the reality behind the Silicon Valley headlines as he sits down with the people who are shaping the way we view the world online and beyond.
Direct download: 47_Shaun_Tai_Oakland_Digital_Full_episode_.m4a
Category:Technology -- posted at: 12:00pm EST |
Tue, 8 December 2015
"Black people and Asian people SHOULD work together in Oakland". So this one begins.. Shaun Tai is the Founder and Executive director of Oakland Digital, a non-profit that connects design students to local businesses. Shaun comes to Oakland Digital by way of hip hop, and the film industry. Not everyone in Silicon Valley works in a tech company. Kent and Shaun discuss a wide range of topics, including how to connect lower income people to the tech industry, why Oakland hasn't overtaken San Francisco as the most desirable place to live...yet. And a lot more. This is the first of a 2 part conversation Find Shaun and Oakland Digital on Twitter at: @odalc @shaun_tai @OaklandDigital
-- In the Something Ventured podcast, Silicon Valley insider Kent Lindstrom explores the reality behind the Silicon Valley headlines as he sits down with the people who are shaping the way we view the world online and beyond. |
Tue, 1 December 2015
We turn to Oakland. Shaun Tai is the Founder and Executive director of Oakland Digital, a non-profit that connects design students to local businesses. Shaun comes to Oakland Digital by way of hip hop, and the film industry. Not everyone in Silicon Valley works in a tech company. Kent and Shaun discuss a wide range of topics, including how to connect lower income people to the tech industry, why Oakland hasn't overtaken San Francisco as the most desirable place to live...yet. And a lot more. This is the first of a 2 part conversation Find Shaun and Oakland Digital on Twitter at: @odalc @shaun_tai @OaklandDigital
-- In the Something Ventured podcast, Silicon Valley insider Kent Lindstrom explores the reality behind the Silicon Valley headlines as he sits down with the people who are shaping the way we view the world online and beyond.
Direct download: 46_Shaun_Tai_of_Oakland_Digital_1_of_2.m4a
Category:Technology -- posted at: 12:00pm EST |
Tue, 17 November 2015
Allison White, Silicon Valley school principal, discusses transgender kids. This is the full conversation. Some of the media referenced in this podcast: 1) John Oliver show on transgender; 2) TED Talk "Norman Spack"; 3) NBC Nightly News on Transgender Kids; 4) Rolling Stone Article "About a Girl -- Coy Mathis".
Direct download: 44_Full_Episode_-_Transgender_Kids_in_SIlicon_Valley.m4a
Category:Technology -- posted at: 12:00pm EST |
Tue, 10 November 2015
In part 2 of this conversation with Allison White, Silicon Valley school principal -- we continue the discussion about transgender kids in Silicon Valley. Some of the referenced elements can be found by: Search for NBC Nightly news, the Atlantic and John Oliver stories on transgender issues. Rolling Stone -- search for "Coy Mathis".
-- In the Something Ventured podcast, Silicon Valley insider Kent Lindstrom explores the reality behind the headlines as he sits down with the people who are shaping the way we view the world online and beyond.
Direct download: 43_22_Transgender_Kids_in_SIlicon_Valley.m4a
Category:Technology -- posted at: 12:00pm EST |
Tue, 27 October 2015
Kent sits down with Silicon Valley school principal Allison White to discuss transgender kids. Many in Silicon Valley are only slowly beginning to understand transgender issues in the Valley and how to be supportive. In this discussion the issues faced by transgender kids and families in Silicon Valley are discussed. Show Notes -- referenced in this podcast: TED Talk John Oliver NBC Nightly News-Transgender Kids Rolling Stone
Direct download: 42_Allison_White_Transgender_Kids_in_Silicon_Valley_1_of_2.m4a
Category:Technology -- posted at: 12:00pm EST |
Tue, 8 September 2015
Part 2 with Ian McFarland -- technologist, author. Currently of Pear Therapeutics, also founder of Neo Innovation. We continue our wide-ranging discussion of everything from bitcoin to the "Series A crunch".
-- In the Something Ventured podcast, Silicon Valley insider Kent Lindstrom explores the reality behind the Silicon Valley headlines as he sits down with the people who are shaping the way we view the world online -- and beyond. |
Tue, 11 August 2015
Ian McFarland literally wrote the book -- on the Tomcat server. He is one of Silicon Valley's great technologists -- from Hotwired, through being an executive and Principal at Pivotal Labs, to his current role as Chairman of Neo Innovation. We roam widely through topics including (what else?) housing in Silicon Valley, whether Bitcoin matters, and his first computer.
-- In the Something Ventured podcast, Silicon Valley insider Kent Lindstrom explores the reality behind the Silicon Valley headlines as he sits down with the people who are shaping the way we viiew the world online -- and beyond. |
Tue, 14 July 2015
Entrepreneur Ben Cheung, founder of Genee, details his journey from Southern China to the US, and eventually to Intel and VMware. Ben discusses the challenges and rewards of being an entrepreneur, as he describes his path to making Genee a success. Genee is a virtual assistant that coordinates meetings for individuls or groups. But his story will be a familiar one to most entrepreneurs. -- In the Something Ventured podcast, Silicon Valley insider Kent Lindstrom explores the reality behind the Silicon Valley headlines, as he sits down with the people who are shaping the way we view the world online...and beyond. |
Tue, 7 July 2015
In the 2015 "Pridecast", Kent discusses 2 transgender people from the world of technology who you sould know: Lana Wachowski and Martine Rothblatt.
-- In the Something Ventured podcast, Silicon Valley insider Kent Lindstrom explores the reality behind the Silicon Valley headlines, as he sits down with the people who are shaping the way we view the world online.... and beyond. |
Tue, 12 May 2015
Dan Carucci, M.D., Ph. D. has served in the US Navy -- as head of its malaria program. He has served as director of science for the Foundation for the National Institutes for Health. He has also spent time with the Gates Foundation, and escorting billionaires around Africa to study various health initiatives. As wealth is created in Silicon Valley, many turn to funding large scale global health projects (perhaps most notably, Bill Gates). In this podcast we discuss the effectiveness -- and pitfalls -- of global health programs, and their billionaire funders.
-- In the Something Ventured Podcast, Silicon Valley insider Kent Lindstrom goes behind the scenes in Silicon Valley, as he sits down with the people who are shaping the way we view the world online...and beyond. |
Tue, 5 May 2015
Neil Cohen -- CMO and lecturer and San Francisco State University continues the conversation about how -- and how not -- to optimize a career in Silicon Valley. -- In the Something Ventured podcast, Silicon Valley Insider Kent Lindstrom goes behind the scenes in Silicon Valley as he sits down with the people who are shaping the way we view the world online -- and beyond. |
Tue, 28 April 2015
Neil Cohen -- Silicon Valley CMO and San Francisco State lecturer talks about the etiquette of job searching and of hiring candidates in Silicon Valley. Silicon Valley's hot job market doesn't keep candidates from making wealth minimizing mistakes -- so Kent and Neil discuss how to get it right. -- In the Something Ventured podcast, Silicon Valley insider Kent Lindstrom goes behind the scenes in Silicon Valley with the people who are shaping the way we view the world online and beyond.
Direct download: 35_Neil_Cohen-_22Get_a_Job22_Part_1.m4a
Category:Technology -- posted at: 12:00pm EST |
Wed, 18 March 2015
In this part 2 of 2, Charlie Recksieck continues the conversation on music. We begin by explaining Mark Zuckerberg and his foray into Wirehog, before Facebook. Also discussed are how the music business works today -- how new technologies impact how artists get paid, and the implications for promoting and monetizing band tours. Charlie's band is The Bigfellas, whose music was featured in the 2012 documentary "Don't Change the Subject".
-- In the Something Ventured podcast, Silicon Valley insider Kent Lindstrom explores the reality behind the Silicon Valley headlines, as he sits down with the peole who are shaping the way we view the world onlnie.....and beyond. |
Tue, 10 March 2015
Charlie Recksieck is an entrepreneur, engineer and musician. His band is "Leaders in the Clubhouse". Discussed in this episode are the (many) impacts technology has had on music. From 8-track tapes to Napster. The episode begins with a brief explanation of Napster and Mark Zuckerberg's brief foray into peer-peer music, before....Facebook.
-- In the Something Ventured podcast, Silicon Valley Insider Kent Lindstrom explores the reality behind the Silicon Valley headlines, as he sits down with the people who are shaping the way we view the world online...and beyond.
Direct download: 33_Charlie_Recksieck_--_Music_and_Tech_1_of_2_.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm EST |
Tue, 17 February 2015
In episode 2 of 2 with Preet Anand, we discuss Blue Light, the startup focused on public safety, of which Preet is CEO and Founder. Topics include -- the process (and game) of fundraising. Also discussed is the uniqueness of a startup in the public safety space, as well as the ups and downs of being an entrepreeur in Silicon Valley.
-- In the Something Ventured podcast Silicon Valley insider Kent Lindstrom explores the reality behind the Silicon Valley headlines as he sits down with the people who are shaping the way we view the world online...and beyond.
Direct download: 32_Preet_Anand_and_The_Entrepreneurs_Battle_Part_2_of_2.m4a
Category:Technology -- posted at: 12:00pm EST |
Tue, 10 February 2015
Bluelight founder and CEO Preet Anand discusses the ups and downs of his startup in this first of 2 episodes. In "Something Ventured" fashion the first episode covers -- yes -- housing in Silicon Valley. Also discussed are Preet's experiences at Zynga, and observations of life in the Bay Area.
-- In the Something Ventured podcast, Silicon Valley Veteran Kent Lindstrom explores the reality behind the Silicon Valley headlines as he sits down with the people who are shaping the way we view the world online...and beyond.
Direct download: 31_Preet_Anand_and_The_Entrepreneurs_Battle_Part_1_of_2.m4a
Category:Technology -- posted at: 1:51pm EST |
Tue, 13 January 2015
Internet exec and San Francisco State professor Neil Cohen talks marketing. Often misunderstood in Silicon Valley, the marketing role is a key one for almost any successful company of any size. Also in this episode -- Neil and Kent poke fun at some Silicon Valley marketing fails -- and those billboards on the 101. -- In the Something Ventured podcast Silicon Valley insider Kent Lindstrom explores the reality behind the Silicon Valley headlines as he sits down with the people who are shaping the way we view the world online....and beyond.
Tue, 6 January 2015
Neil Cohen is a marketing executive and advisor with experience ranging from Sega and Hilton to numerous successful startups. He is a board member of SF State UCORP and a Mentor to StartupMexico. In this podcast, Neil and Kent discuss the booming entrepreneurial scene in Mexico City, and contrast it to Silicon Valley -- In the Something Ventured podcast Silicon Valley veteran Kent Lindstrom explores the reality behind the Silicon Valley headlines as he sits down with the people who are shaping the way we view the world online and beyond.
Direct download: 29_Neil_Cohen_--_Mexico__International.m4a
Category:Technology -- posted at: 12:00pm EST |