Something Ventured -- Silicon Valley Podcast
#50 Jonathan Abrams talks Silicon Valley

Jonathan Abrams founded Friendster -- the first social network, whose patent on social networking is now owned by Facebook.  He also founded Hotlinks, Socializr, and Founders Den.  He is currently CEO of social news site Nuzzel, which he also founded.

Jonathan has also invested in many seed stage startups, and sits on the board of Girls in Tech.

Jonathan has a unique perspective on Silicon Valley -- and in this podcast, he shares it.



In the Something Ventured podcast, Silicon Valley insider Kent Lindstrom explores the reality behind the Silicon Valley headlines, as he sit-down with the people who are shaping the way we view the world online...and beyond.

Direct download: 50_abrams_march_2016_part_1_of_2.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm EST